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Denise M. (Farrell) Duncanson

June 18, 1966 - December 17, 2014

Burial Date December 21, 2014

Obituary Viewed 5303 times

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Denise Marie you will always be in my thoughts ,my heart and my prayers. 6"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Posted by Francis Duncanson on December 28, 2014

The pain of losing someone you love is something that we will never get use to because God's word refers to death as 'the last enemy.' May your family find comfort as I have in knowing that our loving heavenly Father promises us that very soon he will 'have our enemy 'brought to nothing.' (1Corinthians 15:26) What a wonderful day that will be!

Posted by K. Jackson on December 26, 2014

Miranda said it best, "you always had a smile on your face" life wasnt always easy for you but you always found time to make other people happy with a smile or a comment. Everytime I was down on myself about something or another, you would say something to me that would bring my spirits up. One day it occured to me that you were always putting everyone else before yourself and I just wish that I did the same for you. Everytime I am feeling down, I will remember your kind words and they will get me through.....say hi to my dad for me.

Posted by Laurie on December 23, 2014

My family and I are deeply saddened by your loss. You and your mom were so thoughtful and kind to us during Fran's illness. We will never forget your heart felt concern for our family. I enjoyed our many conversations and we will miss you always Denise. I pray for your mom and children. Love Maureen and Alice

Posted by maureen bulger on December 21, 2014

We are very sorry to hear of her passing and send our prayers to her boys and her family. I knew Denise as a vibrant young girl in her teens and then she had three beautiful sons that are my late Aunt Paula Salmons grandchildren . We are truly sadden by her passing

Posted by Patricia Buffington on December 21, 2014

denise you will be missed by many, you were a strong women. everytime I saw you, you always had a smile on your face. The good always leave us so early, it's not fair. Look over everyone and keep them safe. Heaven has a new angel looking down on us I will miss you

Posted by Miranda Smelcer on December 20, 2014

I will miss u, your children will be the legacy of your life, I know how important that was to you as a teen to be able to have a family. You got to have that. Heaven needs you. I love you Denise, my barely older sister. 🙂

Posted by Lynda (Quigley) O\'Coigligh on December 20, 2014

Denise , you have left us way to soon im going to miss you, you was my best friend you was like a sister to me i could tell u anything i am so heart broken i will miss you now who the hell now is going to bum 5 buck off me now, we have been through so much together the good and the bad things i cant believe i won't see your face come up on my phone when u call me. i know you are now with other loved ones that have passed now you can spend some time with with your granddaughter mya angle and you can shoot the shit with my dad tell him i said hi and i miss him till we meet again but u will be OK for now im not in a rush, your kids are strong and will never forget the best mother they could have ever had and your mother could not have had a better daughter then you here is a poem just for you The angels looked down from heaven one night They searched for miles afar, And deep within the distance They could see a shining star. They knew that very instant That the star was theirs to gain, So they took you up to heaven Forever to remain. Look down on us from heaven Keep us free from hurt and pain, You'll always be within my heart Until we meet again. Love and will miss you your friend ED

Posted by Edward smelcer on December 20, 2014

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