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Kathleen M. Flynn

June 12, 1951 - October 13, 2021

Burial Date October 22, 2021

Obituary Viewed 2435 times

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My sincere condolences to your whole family at Kathy's loss. I was so sorry to hear about it. She's at peace now and probably enjoying other family members. I will hold all of you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless Lynn Saccone

Posted by Lynn Saccone on October 22, 2021

“Hey Cousin! “ Oh, how I miss your voice and that greeting that started our conversations and your messages . In spite of continuous serious health setbacks , you always put on a brave front and brought cheerfulness into our conversations and the lives of all who were fortunate to have you in their life. Your kindness, love and loyalty to family will never be forgotten . I will remember your beautiful smile and of course, your beautiful hair! Please know Joe, Terry , Patrick , Laura , Giuliana and Nicholas that Kathy spoke with great JOY in her voice when she spoke of you which was Often . Tom, the Kelly kids and I all share in your loss and feel blessed to have had her her as a Prendergast Cousin . Love, Cousin Mary

Posted by Mary Cotter-Kelly on October 20, 2021

From afar we join with all her family and friends to grieve her early passing and celebrate our beloved Cousin Kathy's very special life. Caring led Kathy to become a Nurse and we can be sure she helped so many in her long career of service to others in need. We will always remember her humor, acceptance and bravery in facing her own health struggles. Joe -We hope you take comfort in all of the goodness of life you shared together. Patrick, Laura, Guliana and Nikolas - We know Kathy was such a loving Aunt to each of you and each of you brought her so much joy. Terry - You have given her so much happiness and support throughout her life and care and peace in her passing. You have been such a gift to Kathy. With wishes for happy memories ,peace and healing - Cousins Mike and Cyndy traveling in the Northwest

Posted by Mike and Cyndy Cotter on October 20, 2021

On October 7th Kathy was able to have a conversation with me and my son. It was truly a gift. As some of you are aware we were planning on Tuesday for services but due to an issue with paperwork and urn delay it was changed to Friday. That's Kathy making her grand entrance. Nikolas is singing his own auntie Kathy song and Giuliana just wants to hug. They both will miss auntie Kathy. I can't believe you were playing with Nikolas at his birthday in May and now you're heading to a big family party in heaven. Love you and miss you.

Posted by Terry Flynn Saccone on October 17, 2021

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