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Show Obituaries Show Guestbook Show Photos QR Code PrintWayne A. Milford
December 3, 1991 - December 24, 2014
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Denise & Wayne...we were saddened to hear of your loss. Finding the right words to comfort you are difficult to find. May your memories of Wayne help you through this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our sincere condolences.
Posted by Bob & Dawn Johnson on December 30, 2014
We are so very sorry to hear of the loss of your son, Wayne. I know there are no words that can ease the pain you are feeling. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I know Wayne is with his beloved grandfather, Chick, and they will always be watching over all of you. Deepest Sympathy, The Malvesti Family, Louis, Sr., Lou, Jr. & Janice.
Posted by Janice Malvesti on December 29, 2014
Denise - I just found out about your son and am so very, very sorry for the loss of him. We have talked many times about our "son and daughter" and all of the growing pains during these last few years - but I had no idea that your family was struggling with such a difficult issue. I can only wish you some measure of peace through happy memories in the weeks and months ahead. Take good care of yourself.
Posted by Diana Pohly-Carty on December 29, 2014
Denise, I know this is going to sound strange, but it's true. The other night I was feeling really sad thinking about all you're going through, while making one of my mother's recipes. The smell of the batter made me think of her, bringing back memories--and all of a sudden I felt her presence as though she was trying to comfort me. But it was more than that-- it felt like she wanted all the family to know that she was here with us. I've never had anything like that happen in all the years she's been gone. I just wanted to tell you that.
Posted by Tree on December 29, 2014
Dear Mrs. Milford and the Milford Family, I was saddened to learn of the passing of your beloved Wayne. May the memories of him that you cherish sustain you during this most difficult time. My prayers and those of my Mother are with you all during this time.
Posted by Cathy Kudla Fisher on December 28, 2014
Debbi, Denise, Wayne, Ashley & Family, We are so sorry for your loss, there are truly no words. May the memories you had with him and his contribution to two people's lives, ease the days ahead. Know, you're in our thoughts and prayers. With deepest sympathy, Groleau's Landscape & Family
Posted by Groleau\'s Landscape & Family on December 28, 2014
Wayne, Denise & Ashley, We were so sad to hear this horrible news. Our hearts are breaking for you. We all remember Wayne as a kid so full of life & so funny! He was Clay's very first friend when we moved to Quincy. We will never forget him. We are so sorry for your loss. Love, The Ferguson Family
Posted by Julie Ferguson on December 27, 2014
Denise and family: I came upon this obituary on a friend's page and realized that it was your son. I haven't seen you since high school "band" days, but wanted to leave my sincere condolences to you and your family. My heart breaks for you as no parent should lose their son at such a young age. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time and wishing you peace. With deepest sympathy, Cindy Leaman Abbate
Posted by Cindy Leaman Abbate on December 27, 2014
Denise & Wayne, My deepest sympathy-cant imagine your sorrow, please know there are many you do not know that are praying for you -for your love and peace. It has been many years since we've spoken Denise, but the D'Olimpio family will ALL be praying for you. Diane
Posted by Diane D\'Olimpio Donaher on December 27, 2014
Denise and Wayne, My deepest sympathies for your tragic loss. May you take comfort in knowing that the kindness and courage of your son has provided life to others in their time of need. He is a hero and I believe has received many graces because of it. Your family will remain in our prayers.
Posted by Diane Solander-Thomas on December 27, 2014
Please accept my deepest sympathy for I too know the pain of losing someone you love. May your family find comfort as I have in knowing that our loving heavenly Father promises us that very soon he will 'swallow up death forever, and wipe away the tears from all faces.' (Isaiah 25:8) What a wonderful day that will be!
Posted by K. Jackson on December 26, 2014
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