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Zhenya Zhu

October 10, 1945 - January 29, 2021

Obituary Viewed 3486 times

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Dear Daren, My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I remember your husband, Dr. Zhu, as a kind and generous man who was always ready to encourage me and Annie on our more difficult days. I will always be grateful to him for the opportunity of having Annie be in your care. with love, Virginia (& Annie).

Posted by Virginia Casey on November 28, 2021

My heart has been heavy since hearing this news. My daughter Zara ("Shanshan") learned from Daren. I could see Zhenya's kindness in his face when he'd see them as he left for work or came in: he'd always stop to talk with these very young children and greet them. I could see his kindness also in their faces: clearly, he was an adult who listened to young children, and cared for them. He and I had several conversations in which his pride in Daren shone in his words. Their family was clearly the center of their world. My heart and prayers remain with the Zhu family.

Posted by Conevery Bolton Valencius on July 18, 2021

I'm so sorry to hear about Zhenya. He accompanied me to China about 5 times over the last 15 years while working to install geophysical laboratory equipment. We had great experiences, conversations, and food. Later we shared some lab space, ideas, and tools. He will be sorely missed. My hear goes out to all who knew him

Posted by Stephen Brown on March 14, 2021

I was so sad to read that Dr Zhu had passed. I had an office opposite his for the time I was at ERL and I remember him very fondly. He always had time to help me out in my research and was such a friendly happy presence in the lab. Thinking of you Zhenya!

Posted by Victoria Briggs on March 5, 2021

I send my heartfelt and deepest condolences to Dr. Zhu's family. I met Dr. Zhu sometime in the early 1990s after he came to MIT. He collected ultrasonic data I used in my PhD thesis. We became friends during this time, even with a Chinese/English language barrier. Dr. Zhu was such a generous and kind person. Every time we met he had a warm smile and greeting for me. He will be missed by so many and remembered with great fondness.

Posted by Delaine Reiter on February 22, 2021

I worked with Zhenya at NMIT and he was always such a helpful presence in our lab, he will be missed very much. We posted a tribute with more info on his scientific career:

Posted by Josh Kastorf on February 19, 2021

Zhenya was a dear and close friend since he first arrived at MIT in the early 1990’s. I had the deep joy of working closely with him on many projects. I also learned something new every time we worked together. He was an outstanding researcher and a generous teacher. Beyond his amazing research leadership and breadth of knowledge, however, were his greatest gifts – that of a warm, compassionate, and generous friend and mentor. Zhenya always had time for anyone in need. He was a mentor to generations of graduation students – taking time to help students learn to work in the lab, find a worthwhile research project, or to answer technical questions. But his mentoring and support didn’t end there – he was even more generous as a friend, father figure, mentor, and guide in life. He was always optimistic, always seeing the bright side of life, always willing to go the extra mile to help someone in need. Some of my happiest memories are from our trips to China together; traveling with Zhenya was like traveling with a revered and honored dignitary. His smile and friendship will live forever in my heart and spirit. My prayers are with his wonderful and loving family

Posted by Dan Burns on February 18, 2021

Dear Dr. Zhu (Zhu laoshi), I can’t believe that we lost you this year. It’s just like yesterday that you teach me to do acoustic logging experiments in the lab, and teach me the wave propagation equations, and the semblance analysis in well logging systems. You were a great advisor of me, and other students and postdocs at ERL. I also miss the time when you and your wife (Ci laoshi) lead the Chinese student and scholar community to organize activities at ERL snd MIT! Those are all my best memories at MIT. Thank you very much again for all your help! You’ll live in my heart and memory forever! Chen

Posted by Chen Gu on February 17, 2021

Zhenya's office was next to mine on the 6th floor. I enjoyed his friendly smile and hello's. When he retired, I missed his positive energy and personality. He had a lovely family photo displayed in his office. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Posted by Brenda Carbone on February 16, 2021

Dear Ci Daren and family It was with great sorrow that I learned of the passing of Professor Zhu Zhenya. I was fortunate to have had professional contacts with him during recent years. I admired very much his vast knowledge and experience and his pleasant personality. I hope it will give you comfort to know that he will be remembered with great fondness by myself, my colleagues, and many others.

Posted by Michael Hou on February 16, 2021

It took us quite a while to accept the sad news from Dr. Jifeng Liu and Dr. Rong Sun yesterday. Our condolences to Ci Lao Shi and their family on the passing of Zhu Lao Shi. We first met Zhu Lao Shi in 2006 when attending an event organized by him as the leader of MIT Chinese Association of Science and Technology. He welcomed us with the big smile, and chatted with us on the life, study, and research at MIT and in US. In the next several years, we were lucky to join the big family of MIT CAST and to organize the many unforgettable activities with Zhu Lao Shi. Such happy memories with him always make us feel that they just happened yesterday. Zhu Lao Shi whom we love is never gone; he lives within our hearts. May Zhu Lao Shi rest peacefully in heaven!

Posted by Jianfei Wang and Qiao Zhang on February 15, 2021

We are sorry to hear uncle's death.We wish you keep healthyOur whole family was shocked and sad when we received the news of the death of our uncle. We hope you will mourn and take care of your health. We will always miss Uncle Zhengya.

Posted by caijun on February 15, 2021

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Posted by JIFENG LIU on February 14, 2021

I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn this back news last night from Dr. Rong Sun. My deepest condolence to Ci Lao Shi and their children and grandchildren! Back when we were students in MIT, we have joined many memorable activities organized by Prof. Zhu as the leader of MIT Chinese Association of Science and Technology (CAST) and the Sichuan Folks Association of Boston. Prof. Zhu was always loving and uplifting to us young people. He was our role model as an outstanding scholar and leader of the Chinese community at MIT. When he retired in 2015, I happened to be in Boston and attended his retirement party for a little while before leaving for home. On the way I drafted a poem which I later sent to him. The last verse roughly translates as "with the leisurely clouds around him, the evergreen mountain looks even loftier". In our heart, he is the evergreen mountain that never grows old. May Prof. Zhu rest in peace in heavens. Our memories of him will always be as fresh as yesterday.

Posted by JIFENG LIU on February 14, 2021

I was so shocked to receive the news last night and was deeply saddened. I got to know Zhenya Laoshi in 2004 prior to when I got to MIT. In the many years that followed, I attended many MIT CAST events and had so many wonderful memories. He was a father figure to me and many of my fellow Chinese students at MIT, taking care of us, showing us a good time after busy studying. I am grieving for the loss of our beloved Zhenya Laoshi. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Rong Sun on February 14, 2021

Dear Dr. Zhu's Family, It is a deep sadness to learn Dr. Zhu's passing. Please accept our sincere condolences. know Dr. Zhu since when we first time met in a MIT classroom near Chinese New Year 1993 and from there we started a new organization called Great Boston Area Association of Sichuan and Chongqing Folks. Dr. Zhu became the first president of the association. Years after years, I have worked with Dr. Zhu for annual gathering parties for Chinese New Years until 2010. During the period, we were experienced with many events, such as, the great earthquake in Sichuan, on May 12, 2008. Under Dr. Zhu's leadership, we successfully coordinated the largest donation effort in New England area Chinese Community for the earthquake victims, with many affiliated Chinese groups together as well as reaching out to many ordinary American donators. Even after Dr. Zhu retired, he constantly communicated with for the organization development and we kept a close contact and consulted with him for many new events. We always remember his smilings, his courage and his willingness. Wish Dr. Zhu rest peacefully in heaven! Liang Chen, PhD

Posted by Liang Chen on February 13, 2021

Dear Dr. Zhu's Family, It is a deep sadness to learn Dr. Zhu's passing. Please accept our sincere condolences. know Dr. Zhu since when we first time met in a MIT classroom near Chinese New Year 1993 and from there we started a new organization called Great Boston Area Association of Sichuan and Chongqing Folks. Dr. Zhu became the first president of the association. Years after years, I have worked with Dr. Zhu for annual gathering parties for Chinese New Years until 2010. During the period, we were experienced with many events, such as, the great earthquake in Sichuan, on May 12, 2008. Under Dr. Zhu's leadership, we successfully coordinated the largest donation effort in New England area Chinese Community for the earthquake victims, with many affiliated Chinese groups together as well as reaching out to many ordinary American donators. Even after Dr. Zhu retired, he constantly communicated with for the organization development and we kept a close contact and consulted with him for many new events. We always remember his smilings, his courage and his willingness. Wish Dr. Zhu rest peacefully in heaven! Liang Chen, PhD

Posted by Liang Chen on February 13, 2021

I am very sad to hear that Dr. Zhu has passed away. He is a modest elder. He has helped me a lot and I will always miss him. During my MIT's visit, I worked in his office. Without Mr. Zhu's help, there would be no subsequent learning and growth, and no further exchanges with many MIT scholars. I will always miss you, dear Zhenya Zhu. I wish you happiness in heaven. To say goodbye to Mr. Zhu by quoting the lyrics of the theme song in Coco. Remember you though I have to say goodbye. Remember you don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart. Always remember you! From Zetian

Posted by Zetian Zhang on February 13, 2021

With great sadness, I read the news of Zhenya's passing away. I always hoped that we would one day manage to be in Chengdu at the same time, but this will never be. I will miss you my dear friend. I send my heartfelt condolences to your family, Yves Bernabe

Posted by Yves Bernabe on February 13, 2021

I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Zhu at ERL for several years. His dedication to ERL and generosity with his time made him a true role model for me.

Posted by Anna Shaughnessy on February 13, 2021

Dr. Zhu was a brilliant scientist and a good man who was like an elder brother and teacher. I got to know him through mutual friends and met him at professional conferences in the past 20 years. A lasting image is his walking up to greet people with his unique gentle and warm smile. He explained his work patiently to me, though he knew it was a bit out of my field. Above all, he was a kind man with a big heart that cared about the people around him. Several times, he asked me about old acquaintances and checking on them for him. His caring words touched our lives. Thank you, big brother. I will always remember your warm smiles.

Posted by Ran Zhou on February 13, 2021

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Posted by Zhengping Liu on February 13, 2021

I am very sad to hear this news! Dr. Zhenya Zhu is a great mentor and good friend. I still remember the first time when he visited our lab. He always shows his kind smile and gave me lots of encourages. I feel very honored to have one cooperated paper with him ten years more ago and benefited from his research knowledge in several decades. I will always miss him. May his soul rest in peace!

Posted by Zhiwen Cui on February 13, 2021

Posted by on February 13, 2021


Posted by Chaoyu Liu on February 13, 2021

I can't believe when I saw the message early this morning that Zhenya passed away last month. I know Zhenya since 1996 when I went to MIT to attend the Well Logging Consortium meeting on behalf of Western Atlas. As a long time best friend and an outstanding scientist, Zhenya always invited me to attend MIT's reception at almost every SEG Annual Meeting. At Zhenya's invitation, I went to visit MIT again a few years ago together with a delegation from BGP. During our visit to MIT, Zhenya organized a wonderful lobster dinner at a local Chinese restaurant near MIT campus to welcome our delegation. That unforgettable visit later made the long term cooperation between MIT and BGP. In 2019, Zhenya led and organized a delegation from MIT to visit BGP and gave us a great lecture and in depth discussion. The dinner event we had together at BGP's Guest House seems just only a few days ago. I can't find words to express my sadness for Zhenya's sudden death, and how much Zhenya will be missed by all of us. My deepest condolence to his family. May Zhenya rest in peace at the heaven!

Posted by Yu Gang (??? on February 12, 2021

I knew Dr. Zhenya from our time together at Tongji university, both as students and staff where his kind and considerate nature stood out, which led to a natural friendship. We went our separate ways afterwards but both ended up in the US, where there were opportunities to meet again in Seattle or wherever our paths crossed, each time a joy and reminder of those same virtues as I've always remembered. We hope that this time will remind us all to be similarly kind & considerate to each other at every opportunity.

Posted by Jinxing Tan on February 12, 2021

Very painful news I got this morning, and I can not believe it is true. Dr. Zhu has come to Southwest Petroleum University many times, each it is me to receive him. He gave two wonderful lectures of ERL for our students in SWPU, and was a adjunct professor of SWPU. For myself, Dr. Zhu was very much admired, he made an outstanding contribution in ERL. I can not found words to express my sadness, and Hope Dr. Zhengya Zhu have a good journey and enjoy happiness in the kingdom of heaven.

Posted by Hongqi Liu on February 12, 2021


Posted by ?? on February 12, 2021


Posted by ?? on February 12, 2021

I remember some days after Ms. Daren's Chinese school Zhenya would come home early and we would always be so happy to see him. He would always be so happy to see us as well. It was really one of the highlights to my childhood and I will never forget his happy smile when we all greeted him at the door. I wish everyone in his family the best.

Posted by Audrey Duclos on February 12, 2021

I can’t tell how shocking I was to hear of Dr. Zhu's passing last evening. In my memory, Dr. Zhu is always in a good mood, positive and optimistic. I still remember all those events that he organized and all the laughter he had on his face. He was a great mentor during my study at ERL, not only on the academic side but more importantly on my life. I can’t find the words to say how sorry I am, and how much Dr. Zhu will be missed. My deepest condolence to the family!

Posted by Rongrong Lu on February 12, 2021

I miss Teacher Zhu very much. May Mr. Zhu have a good journey and enjoy happiness in the kingdom of heaven.

Posted by Xuan Feng on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

The painful news reached me this morning, and I am so shocked that I could not at first realize the fact. As for myself, Prof. Zhenya Zhu is without a doubt the most inspirational example of my life and scientific research. I have been lucky to be able to have a few valuable exchanges with him. I clearly remembered that moment to his first visit for our lab. He was always kind, gentle, and patient, with a smile on her face. Over the next few years, I consulted Prof. Zhu on research problems by email, he always first time replied to me! I thank very much his suggestion and guidance. Deep in our heart, we miss him forever. May you rest in peace!

Posted by Zhoutuo Wei on February 12, 2021

I am very shocked about this sad news. Dr. Zhengya Zhu is a very nice and peaceful person. So sorry not to met him again since I was a visiting scholar of ERL at MIT eleven years ago. He helped me like an old friend with many useful instructions of living in Boston. I will remember him forever in my life. May Dr. Zhu rest in peace.

Posted by Anhui Sun on February 12, 2021

I am sad to get this news. I wish Dr Zhenya's family consolation and strength.

Posted by Nasruddin Nazerali on February 12, 2021

I felt very sad and heavy after learning this sad message last evening. I was fortunate to cross my path with Zhenya at ERL and worked together on rock fractures from 2010 to 2014. We had many great times together at ERL and many parties. Zhenya is dedicated to both life and work. Zhenya always offers his best to students and colleagues. I am proud to know Zhenya and I'll miss him forever. I also want to offer my deepest condolences to Zhenya's wife and other family members. Yingcai Zheng University of Houston

Posted by Yingcai Zheng on February 12, 2021

When I visited MIT, I luckily met with Prof. Zhu. He always show his kind smile and gave me lots of encourages. Today, I heard he passed away, I will cherish the memory of him.

Posted by Anonymous on February 12, 2021

I was lucky to have met Prof. Zhu at MIT when I started my postdoc with ERL in 2014. Prof. Zhu is exemplary as a great scientist and mentor. Although our interactions were limited, his spirit and passion in science provided inspirations and encouragement. Prof. Zhu visited my research group in Singapore in 2018. Unfortunately, I was out of town again. Prof. Zhu discussed with my group members and had again left everyone with positive influence. We will remember Prof. Zhu from the deepest of our hearts. May Prof. Zhu rest in peace.

Posted by Yunyue Elita Li on February 12, 2021

Thank you Weining and Weiyan for your email notice. My deepest condolence to you and your mom. I'll miss forever your beloved father, who is my cousin. I always look up to him as the best among my cousins. His is truly a great soul of which kindness, peace, and righteousness being the characters to be revered. He reminds me of what a genuine Confucius gentleman can be - Hardworking, love of family, sanguine, and has a deep sense of duty. What a precious journey you have had with him. You have made his life whole. Now his spirit returns to the source. May you be comforted by the fond memories and the goodness of him. His spirit uplifts all of us whom have known him well.

Posted by Iris Chu on February 12, 2021

I've known Dr. Zhu since I was a student at ERL 25 years ago. He always had a smile on his face and was very open and friendly. Hearing of his passing comes as a shock. May his soul rest in peace. My prayers go out to his family. Jonathan

Posted by Jonathan Kane on February 12, 2021

I did not have much of an interaction with Dr. Zhenya. I have seen him coming to the office on the 6th floor, opposite my office, in the last couple of years. Dr. Zhenya has a unique way of giving you the impression of being welcomed. His smile and kind facial expressions were delightful and comforting—my deepest condolences to his friends and family.

Posted by Saleh on February 12, 2021

I did not have enough time at ERL to get to know Zhenya well, but when I approached him in 2019 to draft a response to a sponsor's request for a proposal, he was very generous and helpful. He selected some of his papers to bring me up to speed, took me on a tour of the lab and equipment he had used for important work, and proposed new experiments. I feel very honored to have known him and benefited from his research knowledge and insight into sponsors' interests.

Posted by Aimé Fournier on February 12, 2021

Dr. Zhu is a very nice and kind mentor for young people. I know him when I was a student at MIT from 2007 to 2012. Really shocking. May he rest in peace

Posted by Xing Sheng on February 12, 2021

Dr Zhu is a gentle and warm-hearted tutor. He helped a lot on Chinese community especially for new students in MIT. We still remember his talks with the young friends which helped with their future career path a lot. We will miss you forever. R.I.P.

Posted by Anonymous on February 12, 2021

Dr. Zhu was a great friend and mentor as well as a beloved community leader. I miss all the moments I worked with him. He organized countless activities to serve Chinese scholars and students at MIT, and introduce Chinese culture to the whole MIT community. He was always nice and smiley. I have never seen his upset face. His sudden passaway is a big loss and heartbroken. We all miss him. May he rest in peace.

Posted by Xuefeng Shang on February 12, 2021

Dr. Zhenya Zhu is a great mentor and good friend. I still remember the first time when I met him in 2009 in Beijing. He encouraged me to visit ERL at MIT as a visiting student. He also encouraged me for the career life during my Postdoc period. It is a great honor to have such a good mentor and friend. I will miss him.

Posted by Hua Wang on February 12, 2021

Dr Zhengya Zhu is a great teacher and beloved friend. He had given me so much help when I was a graduate student at EAPS/MIT. It is such a sudden thing that Dr Zhu has left us for ever. Dr Zhu, you will be always in our heart!

Posted by Huajian Yao on February 12, 2021

Dr. Zhu is such a beloved and respected friend and mentor for a lot of us from MIT ERL. He provides me so many guidance in seismoelectic laboratory work in my Ph.D work at ERL. I feel honored to be some chapters co-author of his latest EAGE book published in September last year. I was so saddened to hear this shocking news. May our prays make Dr. Zhu’s family feel surrounded by love and caring.

Posted by Xin Zhan on February 12, 2021

Dr. Zhenya Zhu is a great mentor and friend. I still remember the time that we sat together in ERL office and he told me the history of ERL. He is such a friendly person, and I will miss him dearly.

Posted by Zhilong Fang on February 12, 2021

Zhenya is a great mentor and friend for many of us pursuing graduate studies in ERL. He helped me a lot right from beginning of my admission to ERL till my graduation. I still remember the summer time working with him on one of my Qualification project. This news is certainly shocking for me! He will be missed dearly. May he rest in peace.

Posted by Fuxian Song on February 11, 2021

Zhenya is a great mentor and friend for many of us pursuing graduate studies in ERL. He helped me a lot right from beginning of my admission to ERL till my graduation. I still remember the summer time working with him on one of my Qualification project. This is certainly shocking for me! He will be missed dearly. May he rest in peace.

Posted by Fuxian Song on February 11, 2021

Dr. Zhu is a great friend and colleague at ERL. We did quite a few experiments together and published papers together. He always cared about how my family were doing. His kindness and friendship will always be remembered. Shihong

Posted by Shihong chi on February 11, 2021

Zhenya helped me a lot during my PhD study at ERL. He was a life mentor and a great friend. I will miss him dearly.

Posted by Xinding Fang on February 11, 2021

Dr. Zhenya Zhu made remarkable contributions to MIT's Earth Resources Laboratory throughout his time there. Despite his brilliance in the laboratory, Zhenya was a humble, caring person. I will miss him.

Posted by Brad Hager on February 11, 2021

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Posted by Chen Gu on February 11, 2021

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